This hunting lease is leased and not available.
30-acre deer and turkey hunting lease in southwestern Jackson County. I have talked many times about how much I like the western side of Jackson County for deer and turkey hunting. A bit of explanation first on the aerial as shown in the listing. The 30 acres that you have all hunting rights on is outlined in red. Within in that, the landowner will restrict pasturing to what is contained within the blue during deer hunting seasons. The yellow is a hardwood valley that is not pastured, but landowner decided to retain the deer and turkey hunting rights on, and thus is not part of the 30-acre lease, although he did tell me that he only rifle hunts for deer and thus depending on how well you get along with him, might allow some archery deer hunting on this.
The very southeastern part of the property I did not get down into, but after reviewing the aerial and my pictures I wish I would have. This rolls down into a big chunk of secluded timber that runs all the way down to the Black River. On this property, there is a smaller lake that landowner says does hold water year-round and can be seen on the aerial. Guessing this chunk of timber runs for almost a mile with no roads or homes so one can assume it should hold a lot of deer especially when hunting pressure on the higher ground kicks in.
The portion of the property that was logged several years ago has grown up into very thick browse and potential bedding as seen by the pictures in the listing.
This is a deer and turkey hunting lease. I want to stress that the lease rights are only for the 30 acres as shown on the aerial in red. The area in yellow landowner may allow you to do some archery deer hunting on, but that is not specifically included in the lease. Camping and food plots are also something you will have to get approval from the landowner.