Deer reduction zone
Near Ft. Wayne Allen County Airport this premium lease has it all!
Great timber and a creek that has flowing water all year. Excellent access and parking from the north.
Non hunting public walking trails and a county park are close. Neither touch the farm but both are under a 1/2 mile away. Big mature deer will be on and off this property for sure. Currently the field is planted in Alfalfa. When the creek is down you can cross in your hunting boots. After a rain you may need to keep waders packed with your gear. Timber is on both sides of the creek so you always will be able to hunt. What a great opportunity!
Limited ATV use. You must stay off the field or use the very edge of field only. Landowner will allow but only for getting a harvested deer out or... when you bring in equipment/remove equipment.
Absolutely no joy riding of ATV allowed per landowner.
No trimming of Black Walnut Trees. No screw in accessories installed in a Black Walnut Trees.
Please note. The neighbor to the south has permission to ride his horse between February 16 to August 31. They have a travel route and it goes right along the creek through this farm. If you take this lease you need to understand this is part of the lease and respect that. It is very important to the owner. Any questions? Contact leasing agent.
ATV ok for limited hunting related purposes only
Stay off the field and use edge only with a ATV / UTV
Stay off the field if you will make ruts on the edge
No trimming on Black Walnut Trees
No screw in accessories in a Black Walnut Tree