This hunting lease is leased and not available.
Now, we are talking off-grid. We're happy to be able to offer you guys this sweet, 56-acre Meade County, Kentucky Hunting Lease. It's about a mile from the blacktop to the cabin, so you're not likely to hear much traffic here. I'm familiar with the area having other farms in our program nearby. You're at the beginning of the top of the peninsula on this property, which the Ohio River surrounds. Indiana sits across the river, FYI. The lease is primarily wooded, with several small openings across the property. The landowner built a shooting house, and it's yours to use. Meade County is known to produce some real giants and boasts a good turkey population. You can access the trails the landowner has created to various areas on the lease. There is some steep ground to the south/southeast end of the property. The lease includes the responsible use of the cabin for the two weeks of gun season. Any additional use during the term must be discussed with your landowner for rental possibilities. The family uses the property from time to time during the year for riding their ATVs (young children) or fishing, with the family retaining fishing rights but will share that with you. Please take care of the cabin, or we will lose the privilege of using it. Places to stay on-site are hard to get, FYI
**Must set up time with agent to inspect property**
**The family does not use the property during gun season**
**Goods and services available in Brandenburg**
**Possible stands on the property, use at own risk**
**White oaks are in the mix of standing timber**
**We have other properties in this area producing Big Bucks**
**Responsible ATV use OK, hunting purposes only**
**MAX three hunters**
**As always, you get exclusive hunting rights on the lease; no one else hunts**