Spring turkey, archery, and muzzle loader deer hunting lease in Monroe County. This 112-acre hunting lease is a mix of timbered ridges and rolling agricultural fields. Timbered ground is pastured at times, but as you can see by the pictures in the listing, this appears to have minimal impact on the cover and browse within the timber. Landowner is willing to work with whoever leases the property to restrict animal access to the timber at some point before the rut truly kicks in. He thought end of September was something he could do in regards to having animals off any wooded pasture.
There is decent access into the property as well as field lanes along the crops. Several ponds on the property should provide water sources for wildlife and help hold them on the property. All 3 of the ponds I saw were full at the time of inspection. There can also be heavy crop of acorns each year according to the landowner.
Landowner has some family who still want to retain the rifle deer hunting rights, but since they are still actively farming, they have limited time to hunt. Primarily opening weekend of the rifle hunting season but due to their flexible schedule, going to reserve the entire 9-day rifle deer season for them.
This is a spring turkey, archery, and muzzle loader deer hunting lease. Landowners sons do not muzzle loader hunt thus we are including those rights on this lease also. Camping is allowed for hunting-related purposes with permission from landowner as to where on the property. Did not really see any spots for food plots, thus they are not allowed. Use of ATV for hunting related activities is also okay.
Lease ends July 1st each year