This hunting lease is leased and not available.
*****Archery Only Lease*****
Just one more reason why you become a BaseCamp Member, as we offer nothing but top quality hunting leases! What an absolutely phenomenal "QDM" (big buck proven)farm located in Edgar County, Illinois. I simply don't have enough room on this page to write all my thoughts on this farm. The landowners have done an outstanding job in managing the deer herd. The farm is made up of big timber, row crops, bedding, and water -- every element you need (or you would want) to grow, "hold" and harvest big bucks, which this farm is already doing!
There is plenty of water for all wildlife throughout the farm and it will be there when you need it most; during the rut! During my inspection, I literally become tired of taking photos of rubs and worn down deer trails. As you will see in the photos, the deer trails simply look like cow paths. Also, take note on the size of trees that are being rubbed!! Small bucks do NOT rub big trees! Without a doubt; there are some monster bucks that call this farm "home!" The "secluded crop fields" will make for great ambush sites for those big bucks coming out to feed, as they will feel very comfortable in doing so with such seclusion. Once you look at the aerial photo you will see how secluded these crop fields are!! There are numerous (to many to count) funnel and pinch-points on this farm. I found numerous locations where I'd personally hang a stand…from the timbered ridges to the corners of the secluded crop fields. This may be an archery lease but you will not regret leasing this farm once you place your tag on that 160(+) class Illinois bruiser!
The link below will provide you a snap-shot on the number of trophy bucks that are taken from Zone 6. Zone 6 has "seven" counties listed, as "Top Trophy Deer Counties!" This part of Illinois is absolutely on fire and producing bruiser bucks! Anyone who knows Illinois hunting knows that Edgar County consistently produces high end bucks year in and year out. I have no doubt what-so-ever that this farm is no exception and WILL produce B&C bucks.
Lease runs from 1 April through 28 February.
Must harvest an 8 Point or bigger (Nothing smaller than a 130 Class buck!)
Fall and Spring Turkey hunting is permitted.
For QDMA purposes hunting the late season firearms season is permitted (Doe Only).
ATV use permitted ONLY to put up and take down stands and to retrieve your harvest.
Absolutely NO ATV's in the crop fields!
Must harvest an 8 Point or bigger (Nothing smaller than a 130 Class buck!)
Must report all deer harvested to the landowner, either in person or by phone. Landowner is very serious about practicing QDMA!
Please, limit screw-in steps.