Base Camp Hunt Club®

Membership is required for all parties that lease hunting rights through Base Camp Leasing. We expect only responsible and ethical sportsman to use our services, and are proud to offer this service to them.
Five million dollar liability insurance policy that covers all club members and guests. A small price to pay for additional peace of mind.
Membership Fee
The membership fee is $175 annually per property, due at lease initiation. Only one membership required per lease.
Hunt Club® By-Laws
- To abide by any and all State, Federal and local hunting regulations, including any quotas prescribed by Lessor.
- To maintain proper safety procedures regarding firearms, including but not limited to, ensuring that all firearms are unloaded while in vehicles and in vicinity of all buildings.
- To maintain proper vigilance aimed at preventing fires or damage by other means to the Real Estate, and to immediately report any wildfires that may occur on the Real Estate to Lessor.
- To ensure that vehicles are driven only on established roads and that all gates are left as originally found.
- To wear a safety helmet while riding ATV’s, which are only allowed for hunting purposes. No recreational riding is allowed.
- To maintain a no hunting or shooting zone within 100 yards of any occupied building and around all other designated areas.
- To remove all personal property or structures placed or constructed by Lessee upon the Leased Area at termination of this Lease unless the Lessor has provided prior written consent to leave any or all such property.
- To repair any damage caused to the Real Estate and to return the Real Estate and property to the Lessor in the same condition that existed upon commencement of the Lease. Any clearing of underbrush must be done in a manner so as not to damage any trees or crops that have been planted.
- To in no way hinder farming or damage crop production.
- To use only tree stands or blinds that do not damage the trees and are to be removed at the end of the lease period. No permanent tree stands are permitted without express permission from the landowner. The use of spikes, screw in tree steps, or other penetrating devices are not allowed.
- To be tethered with proper safety gear while hunting from an elevated stand.
- To not enter upon any neighboring land or hunt on any real estate not described herein.
- To not sublease the Real Estate, nor shall Lessee grant permission to anyone who is not a party to this Lease or a member of the Hunting Group to hunt or otherwise use the Real Estate.
- To keep the Real Estate free of litter at all times.