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Iowa Hunting Leases

Iowa hunting leases provide a hunter one of the best opportunities to harvest a record book whitetail anywhere, period. Through excellent herd management and game laws that allow more whitetail bucks to reach maturity, you will definitely notice the difference in the age class of the whitetail bucks in this well renowned BIG BUCK state.

With an unmatched number of food sources and some of the best genetics found anywhere, the state of Iowa is one of the highest producers of world-class deer in the country. Not only does the state manage the deer herd in Iowa, but the residents of this state participate heavily in quality deer management as well. Being most prevalent in the southern half of the state, many landowners have developed agreements with their neighbors and set up large areas that follow strict management guidelines. While these areas provide the best opportunities, world-class whitetails can be found throughout the state.

This state does operate on a draw system, but Iowa offers several options for deer hunters looking to harvest one of these Midwest giants. The early archery season begins the first of October and runs to the end of November. It then picks up again in the late season before closing near the middle of January. This allows bow hunters to hunt every phase of the rut without the interference of a firearms season during the peak of the rut, unlike bordering states like Missouri. This is what makes Iowa the favorite destination for many bow hunters and probably the main reason for the state's success of growing big deer. For firearms hunters, there are several options as well. There are two shotgun seasons, two muzzleloader seasons, and a late antlerless season. So no matter how you want to go about it, there will be an opportunity for you to chase down a monster Iowa whitetail. For more information on hunting seasons and how to apply for a non-resident hunting permit, go to

Aside from whitetail deer, Iowa offers excellent spring turkey hunting also. There are several seasons a hunter can choose from. Again, for archers, Iowa offers an extended season of opportunity for those who want to try to harvest a turkey in the state. I have hunted turkeys in several states and I can attest to the fact that the eastern turkeys found in this state are phenomenal. The world record archery turkey was harvested in Iowa during the 2010 hunting season. When you combine the opportunities of harvesting a world class animal, whether it be a deer or turkey, with the upland game and small game hunting available in Iowa, you get properties that provide an unlimited amount of potential.

With all of these opportunities, don't be discouraged by the draw system. Our job is to come up with a plausible solution so that even if a non-resident hunter wants to lease property in this state for several seasons, we can come up with a system that will work for you and your group. Residents of Iowa, there should be little more to discuss, call your Iowa listing agent today and make your next hunting season, the season of a lifetime!


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