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Maryland’s unique geography contributes to the diversity of its wildlife and ecosystems. From saltwater marshes and coastal plains that are part of the Atlantic waterfowl flyway in the east to wooded mountains full of deer, turkey and black bears in the west, Maryland has something to offer almost any hunter.

Maryland’s deer population has really taken off and the Department of Natural Resources uses hunting as the primary population control tool. While whitetail deer are the dominant species in the state, there is also a huntable population of sika deer in the lower Eastern Shore area. Bowhunters will find Maryland especially appealing with archery deer season lasting nearly four months from early September to early January. Affordable over-the-counter tags and generous harvest limits offer additional appeal.

The turkey population in Maryland is stable and turkey hunting is quite popular. Though gobblers can be found in wild areas across the state, the eastern and western thirds have the greatest concentrations of birds. Public hunting ground gets a lot of pressure during turkey season so success favors those who have access to private land or a lease.

Maryland’s black bear population is thriving and growing, especially in western counties. The state reinstituted bear hunting in 2004 as a way to control bear numbers, and there has been a steady increase in the number of permits issued each year since.

Maryland ranks sixth in population density among the 48 continental states and District of Columbia, and more than 94 percent of land in the state is privately owned. That means more people competing for use of limited public lands. The best way to ensure consistent hunting success in the state is to own or lease your own hunting ground. With a hunting lease from Base Camp Leasing, you get exclusive hunting rights for all game in most cases.

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