A mostly row crop and grass draw 160-acre property. This lease is Iowa rolling hills that gives it some seclusion, I could not see the pond from the road, but the corn was still in too. The larger pond had plenty of sign that deer are coming into drink and strolling the edge. I did not venture around the entire pond, just the dam area. On google earth it shows a small silt pond above the larger pond, that could be a nice buck hangout. Plenty of grass to bird hunt this place, pheasants are plentiful around this area. I do also wonder what was over the hill going west, a secluded finger draw that would also be a nice bedding area for a few deer.
Cattle in pasture part of farm. Iowa zone 4
1. The lease owner must contact owner prior to entering the property. This amendment is for the safety of the individuals that are actively farming the property and the lease holder who may inadvertently encounter, or come into contact with, an agricultural application with strict reentry intervals.
2. All activities on the property must maintain a 200' setback from any permanently installed property, specifically the Windmill Generator and its associated driveway as these are owned by a third party. The setback would also include a 100' setback from any equipment left on the property, as well as any cattle, cattle watering facilities, or feeding structures maintained on the property.
3. Landowners reserve the right to clear trees and shrubs from property. Tree removal will be limited to the Jan 1 to 6/30 timeframe. Controlled burns on the property will be conducted in the late fall and early spring. Application of restricted use pesticides will be conducted as needed to control restricted/noxious weeds.
4. All harvested game and carcass/carcass material will be removed from the property in a respectful manner. Game will not be cleaned, or field dressed on property grounds.