About Our 8 Point Membership

$69 Annually

8 Point Membership gives you advanced access of new listings. You or your group will be able to view new leases on the New Releases page three days before the general public or free subscribers see the new listings, but one week after Wall Hanger members see them. As a courtesy, you or your group will be notified of these new leases by email newsletter.* You will also have access to acquire directions to inspect properties you are interested in, among other benefits (see below).

Annual membership will expire 1 year from the date of payment.

Privacy Statement

8 Point Benefits

  • 3 day advance access to new leases (member needs to be logged in to view these advance access leases on the New Releases page).
  • Email notification of new leases (see above).
  • Ability to place a hold deposit on a lease property.
  • Access to driving directions to inspect properties.
  • Access to contact leasing agent about a lease property.
  • $150 landowner referral fee per property you refer and we lease.
  • On site Google Maps access to all newly available listed properties.
  • Industry Exclusive Discounts on hunting products with up to 40% off.
  • 8 Point membership benefits last an entire year from the date of payment.

* You must be logged into your 8 Point account to see the newest 8 Point listings. New listings for 8 Point members are released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 8:00 PM Eastern Time. Newsletters are sent out as soon as properties are released, however members will see these new listings quickest by monitoring the New Releases page at release times.